Dr. Vanessa Burbano
Columbia Business School
Associate Professor
email: vanessa.burbano@gsb.columbia.edu
Research Interests: Competitive Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizations
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers
Burbano VC and Chiles B. (2021) Mitigating Gig and Remote Worker Misconduct: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment. Forthcoming, Organization Science (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Burbano VC (2021) The Demotivating Effects of Communicating a Social-Political Stance: Field Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market Platform. Management Science 67(2): 1004-1025 (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Abraham M and Burbano VC. (2021) Congruence between Leadership Gender and Organizational Claims Affects the Gender Composition of the Applicant Pool: Field Experimental Evidence. Organization Science. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Burbano VC and Ostler, J. (2020) Differences in Consumer-Benefitting Misconduct by Nonprofit, For-profit, and Public Organizations. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. (Read)
Topics: Stakeholder Governance
Burbano VC, Mamer J, and Snyder J (2018) Pro Bono as a Human Capital Learning and Screening Mechanism: Evidence from Law Firms. Strategic Management Journal 39(11): 2899-2920. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Burbano VC (2016) Social Responsibility Messages and Worker Wage Requirements: Field Experimental Evidence from Online Labor Marketplaces. Organization Science 27(4): 1010 – 1028. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Delmas M and Burbano VC (2011) The Drivers of Greenwashing. California Management Review 54(1): 64-87. (Read)
Topics: Social Impact
Working Papers
Institution: UCLA Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles, CA
Major: Management (Strategy Concentration)