Integrated Strategy
Working Papers
“Small Packs in the Bottom of the Pyramid: Price, Product Variety, and Performance”
Adbi, A., and Bhaskarabhatla A.,
“Peer Influence, Strategic Discretion, and Loan Repayment in Community Lending: Evidence from Indian Demonetization”
Adbi, A., Lee, M., and Singh, J.
“The Privileged Rushed In?”
Taussig, M.
“Punished for doing good: Heuristic-based judgement and the contingent returns to company philanthropy under high uncertainty”
Ballesteros, L., Wry, T., and Useem M.
"Increased Risk in Financial Performance and Political Strategy: An Integrated Strategy Perspective "
Kang, J and Kim, J.
Published Research Papers
“How do MNEs and Domestic Firms Respond Locally to a Global Demand Shock? Evidence from a Pandemic.”
Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., and Mishra, A.
Management Science, Forthcoming.
“A multiple agency view of venture capital investment duration: The roles of institutions, foreignness, and alliances”
Sethuram, S., Taussig, M., and Gaur A.(Forthcoming).
Global Strategy Journal, Special Issue on “Institutions and Entrepreneurship.”
"Follow the smoke: The pollution haven effect in global sourcing’"
Berry, H., Kaul, A., and Lee, N.
Strategic Management Journal forthcoming
“MNE Responses to Carbon Pricing Regulations: Theory and Evidence”
Michael, N., Patnaik, S., and Taussig, M. 2021.
Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 904–929, Special Issue on “The Grand Challenge of Energy Transitions.”
"Risk is Relative: Heterogeneous Responses to Institutional Risks for Foreign Investment"
Quintin, B., and Blake, D. 2021.
International Studies Quarterly, 65:3, 594- 605.
“Contracting Beyond the Market”
Odziemkowska, K. and Dorobantu, S. 2021.
Organization Science, 32(3): 776-803.
"No Free Lunch After All: Corporate Political Connections and Firms’ Location Choices"
Jia, N., Zhao, B., Zheng, W., and Lu, J. 2021.
Organization Science.
“Technology Licensing and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Developing Economies.”
Adbi A, Liu X, Mishra A. 2021.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming
“Microfinance and Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid.”
Singh J, Dutt P, Adbi A. 2021.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Forthcoming
“The Role of International Anti-Corruption Regulations in Promoting Socially Responsible Practices”
Jandhyala, S. and Oliveira, F. 2021.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 190:15-32.
“Stakeholder Orientation and Market Impact: Evidence from India.”
Adbi A, Bhaskarabhatla A, Chatterjee C. 2020.
Journal of Business Ethics, 161(2): 479-496.
"Public Governance, Corporate Governance, and Firm Innovation: An Examination of State-Owned Enterprises"
Jia N., Huang K.G., Zhang C.M. 2019.
Academy of Management Journal 62(1): 220- 247
“Managing Policy Reversals: Consequences for Firm Performance"
Blake, D., and Jandhyala, S. 2019.
Strategy Science, 4:2,111-128
"The relative value of firm and nonprofit experience: Tackling large‐scale social issues across institutional contexts"
Ballesteros, L., and Gatignon, A. 2019.
Strategic Management Journal. 40.4:631–657
“When the Big One Came: A Natural Experiment on Demand Shock and Market Structure in India’s Influenza Vaccine Markets.”
Adbi A, Chatterjee C, Drev M, Mishra A. 2019.
Production and Operations Management, 28(4): 810-832.
“The Organizational Implications of Brexit"
Moschieri, C., and Blake, D. 2019.
Journal of Organization Design. 8:6.
"An Economic Case for CSR: The Comparative Efficiency of For-Profit Firms in Meeting Consumer Demand for Social Goods"
Kaul, A., and Luo, J. 2018.
Strategic Management Journal, 39: 1650-1677
"The Conditional Nature of Political Risk: How Home Institutions Influence the Location of Foreign Direct Investment"
Quintin, B. and Blake, D. 2018.
American Journal of Political Science, 62:2, 470- 485.
"The “Make and/or Buy” Decisions of Corporate Political Lobbying: An Integration of Economic Efficiency and Legitimacy Perspectives"
Jia N., 2018.
Academy of Management Review 43(2): 1-21
“Strategy and the Institutional Envelope”
D. Yao, G. Ahuja, L. Capron, and M. Lenox. 2018
Strategy Science 3:2, pp. iii-xi.
“Integrated Strategy: Residual Market and Exchange Imperfections as the Foundation of Sustainable Competitive Advantage”
Yao, D., and Oberholzer-Gee, F. 2018.
Strategy Science 3:2, pp. 463- 480.
" The Dynamics of Political Embeddedness in China"
Haveman H., Jia N., Shi J, Wang Y. 2017.
Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): 67-104.
"Non-Market Strategy Research Through the Lens of New Institutional Economics: An Integrative Review and Future Directions"
Dorobantu, S., Kaul, A., and Zelner B. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal 38: 114-140
"Political Hazards and Firms’ Geographic Concentration"
Jia N., Mayer K.J. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal 38(2): 203–231.
"Foreignness as Both a Global Asset and a Local Liability: How Host Country Idiosyncrasies and Business Activities Matter”
Taussig, M. 2017.
Journal of International Business Studies, 48(4), 498-522.
“Tied Up and Shocked: How Relational Contracting with Suppliers Constrains Global Buyers in during a Demand Shock”
Wolfords, S., Taussig, M., Hong, B., and Carlsson, K. 2017.
Torben Pedersen, et al (eds.), Breaking up the Global Value Chain (Advances in International Management Series, Volume 30), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 157-188.
"Policy Risk, Strategic Decisions, and Contagion Effects: Firm-Specific Considerations"
Blake, D., and Moschieri, C. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal, 38:3, 732- 750.
"Masters of disasters? An empirical analysis of how societies benefit from corporate aid"
Ballesteros, L., Useem, M., and Wry, T. 2017.
Academy of Management Journal 60.5: 1682- 1708
“How are Institutional Capabilities Transferred across Borders? The Case of an Indonesian Property Developer in Vietnam”
Michael, C., Dieleman, M., and Taussig, M. 2016.
Journal of World Business, 51(6), 882-894.
"Political Strategy and Market Capabilities: Evidence from the Chinese Private Sector"
Jia N., 2016.
Management and Organization Review, 12(1):75-102.
"Frame or Get Framed: The Critical Role of Issue Framing in Nonmarket Management"
Bach, D., and Blake, D. 2016.
California Management Review, 58:3, 66-87.
“Navigating Natural Monopolies: Market Strategy and NonMarket Challenges in Radio and Television Audience Measurement Markets”
D. Yao and H. Greene. 2016.
Advances in Strategic Management, 34, pp. 367-411.
“Unbundling the Effects of Institutions on Firm Resources: The Contingent Effect of Being Local in Emerging Economy Private Equity”
Taussig, M., and Delios, A. 2015.
Strategic Management Journal, 36(12), 1845-1865.
“Institutions sans Frontières: International Agreements and Foreign Investment”
Jandhyala, S and Weiner, R.J. 2014.
Journal of International Business Studies, 45(6): 649-669
"Perverse Complementarity: Political Connections & the Use of Courts Among Private Firms in China"
Ang Y., and Jia N. 2014.
Journal of Politics 76(2): 318-332.
“Thinking Ahead: Government Time Horizons and the Legalization of International Investment Agreements”
Blake, D. J. 2013.
International Organization, 67:4, 797-827.
“The Neglected Need for Strategic Renewal in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Vietnam in Transition”
Taussig, M. 2013.
Business Horizons, 56(4), 465-471.
“Property Rights and International Investment in Information Technology Services”
Jandhyala, S. 2013.
Strategic Management Journal, 34(7): 877-889
“Out of the Gray: The Impact of Provincial Institutions on Business Formalization in Vietnam”
Edmund, M., and Taussig, M. 2009.
Journal of East Asian Studies, 9(2), 249-290.
“Where is Credit Due? Legal Institutions, Connections, and the Efficiency of Bank Lending in Vietnam”
Edmund, M., and Taussig, M. 2009.
Journal for Law, Economics, and Organization, 25(2), 535-578.
“Antitrust Constraints to Competitive Strategy Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategies”
D. Yao, G. Day and D. Reibstein (eds.), John Wiley and Sons, 1997, pp. 313-337.