Strategic CSR
Working Papers
"From Social Responsibility to Social Impact: A Framework and Research Agenda"
Luo, J., Kaul, A..
“Punished for doing good: Heuristic-based judgement and the contingent returns to company philanthropy under high uncertainty"
Ballesteros, L., Wry, T., and Useem M.
“Corporate Social Counterpositioning: How Attributes of Social Issues Influence Competitive Response”
Mohliver, A.C., Crilly, D., and Kaul, A. (Under 2nd review)
"Interstate Conflicts and the ESG Strategy of Foreign MNEs"
Kim, J., Kwak, J. and Park, H.K.
“From Social Responsibility to Social Impact: A Framework and Research Agenda”
Kaul, A. and Luo, J.
“Are native plants green? Assessing environmental performances of locally-owned facilities”
Lee, N and Luo, J.
"Ideological Firms as Issue Entrepreneurs: Evidence from Corporate Giving to Contentious Issues"
Haram Seo
Published Research Papers
"Mitigating Gig and Remote Worker Misconduct: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment. "
Burbano VC and Chiles B. 2021.
Forthcoming, Organization Science
"The Demotivating Effects of Communicating a Social-Political Stance: Field Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market Platform. "
Burbano VC. 2021.
Management Science 67(2): 1004-1025
“Positive institutional changes through peace: The relative effects of peace agreements and non-market capabilities on FDI.”
Albino-Pimentel, J, J Oetzel, C Oh & N Poggioli.
Journal of International Business Studies, 2021.
"Congruence between Leadership Gender and Organizational Claims Affects the Gender Composition of the Applicant Pool: Field Experimental Evidence. "
Abraham M and Burbano VC. 2021
Organization Science.
"Coming Back and Giving Back: Transposition, Institutional Actors, and the Paradox of Peripheral Influence"
Luo, J., Chen, J., Chen, D. 2021.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(1): 133-176.
"Up to No Good? Gender, Social Impact Work and Employee Promotions"
Bode, C., Rogan, M., & Singh, J. 2021.
Administrative Science Quarterly
"Sustainable Cross-Sector Collaboration: Building a Global Platform for Social Impact"
Bode, C., Rogan, M., & Singh, J. 2019.
Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol 5(4)
"The relative value of firm and nonprofit experience: Tackling large‐scale social issues across institutional contexts"
Ballesteros, L., and Gatignon, A. 2019.
Strategic Management Journal. 40.4 :631–657
Reciprocity in Firm–Stakeholder Dialog: Timeliness, Valence, Richness, and Topicality
Nartey, L. J., Henisz, W. J., & Dorobantu, S. 2023.
Journal of Business Ethics, 183(2), 429-451.
"An economic case for CSR: The comparative efficiency of for-profit firms in meeting consumer demand for social goods"
Kaul, A., and Luo, J. 2018.
Strategic Management Journal, 39: 1650-1677
"Pro Bono as a Human Capital Learning and Screening Mechanism: Evidence from Law Firms."
Burbano VC, Mamer J, and Snyder J. 2018. Strategic Management Journal 39(11): 2899-2920.
"Taking a Hit to Save the World: Employee Participation in a Corporate Social Initiative "
Bode, C., and Singh, J. 2018.
Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 39 (4), 1003- 1030
"Giving a little too many or a lot to a few? The benefits of variety in corporate philanthropy"
Seo, H., Luo, J., and Kaul, A. 2018.
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (STR Division)
"Winning us with Trifles: Adverse Selection in the use of Philanthropy as Insurance"
Luo, J., Kaul, A., and Seo. H. 2018.
Strategic Management Journal, 39: 2591-2617
"Introduction: Contemplating the Connections between Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility"
Dorobantu, S., Aguilera, R., Luo, J, and Milliken, F. 2018.
In S. Dorobantu, R. Aguilera, J. Luo, and F. Milliken (eds.), Advances in Strategic Management (vol. 38 on Sustainability, Corporate Governance and CSR, pp. 1-14). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
"Non-Market Strategy Research Through the Lens of New Institutional Economics: An Integrative Review and Future Directions’"
Dorobantu, S., Kaul, A., and Zelner B. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal 38: 114-140
"Masters of disasters? An empirical analysis of how societies benefit from corporate aid"
Ballesteros, L., Useem, M., and Wry, T. 2017
Academy of Management Journal 60.5: 1682- 1708.
"Corporate Social Responsibility as an Employee Governance Tool: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment"
Flammer, C., Luo, J. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal, 38(2): 163-183.
"Social Responsibility Messages and Worker Wage Requirements: Field Experimental Evidence from Online Labor Marketplaces."
Burbano VC. 2016.
Organization Science 27(4): 1010 – 1028.
"Corporate Social Initiatives and Employee Retention"
Bode, C., Singh, J., and Rogan, M. 2015.
Organization Science, Vol. 26 (6), 1702- 1720
"Gaining access by doing good: The effect of sociopolitical reputation on firm participation in public policymaking"
Werner, T. 2015.
Management Science 61(8): 1989–2011.
“Secure Property as a Bottom-Up Process: Firms, Stakeholders, and Predators in Weak States”
Markus, S. 2012.
World Politics, 64 (2): 242-77.
"The (bounded) role of stated-lived value congruence and authenticity in employee evaluations of organizations."
Pamphile, V. and Ruttan, R.
Organization Science (3rd R&R)
"Gender and competitiveness when earning for others: Experimental evidence and implications for sponsorship."
Barrymore, N., Dezső, C. L., & King, B. C. 2022.
Strategic Management Journal, 43.5: 905-934
"Follow the smoke: The pollution haven effect on global sourcing."
Berry, H., Kaul, A., & Lee, N. 2021.
Strategic Management Journal, 42(13), 2420-2450.