Corporate Political Activity & Political Connections
Working Papers & Published Research Papers
Working Papers
“The Privileged Rushed In?”
Taussig, M.
"CEO Activism, Consumer Polarization, and Firm Performance"
Young H., and Christopher P.
"Increased Risk in Financial Performance and Political Strategy: An Integrated Strategy Perspective"
Kang, J and Kim, J.
"The Effect of Home-Country Culture on Cross-Border Nonmarket Strategy: Egalitarianism and Lobbying in the United States"
Kim, J. and Siegel, J.
"Is U.S. Formalized Lobbying More about Nefarious Corruption or Benign Industry Information Provision? Evidence from Foreign Firms Lobbying in the U.S."
Kim, J. and Siegel, J.
"Identifying a Fundamental Source of the Liability of Foreignness: Evidence from Lobbying Fees Charged to Foreign Firms"
Kim, J. and Siegel, J.
"The Effect of Sociopolitical Legitimacy on Foreign Firm Political Strategy"
Kim, J. and Hiatt, S.R.
Published Research Papers
"Theoretical Light in Empirical Darkness: Illuminating Strategic Concealment of Corporate Political Activity"
Jia N., Markus S., and Werner T.
Academy of Management Review, forthcoming
“Intellectual property rights, non-market considerations and foreign R&D investments.”
Albino-Pimentel, J, P Dussauge & O El Nayal.
Research Policy, 2022.
"Positive institutional changes through peace: The relative effects of peace agreements and non-market capabilities on FDI. "
Albino-Pimentel, J, J Oetzel, C Oh & N Poggioli.
Journal of International Business Studies, 2021.
"Risk is Relative: Heterogeneous Responses to Institutional Risks for Foreign Investment"
Beazer, Q. and Blake, D. 2021.
International Studies Quarterly, 65:3, 594- 605.
“Citizens United, independent expenditures, and agency costs: Reexamining the political economy of state antitakeover statutes”
Werner, Timothy, and John J. Coleman. 2015.
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 31(1): 127–159.
"Does Location Matter for Winning Government Contracts? An Examination of US Defense Awards. "
Hiatt, S.R. and Kim, J.H., 2021.
“The Role of International Anti-Corruption Regulations in Promoting Socially Responsible Practices”
Jandhyala, S. and Oliveira, F. 2021.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 190:15-32.
“Reexamining investor reaction to covert corporate political activity: A replication and extension of Werner”
Minefee, Ishva, MaryHunter McDonnell, and Timothy Werner. 2021.
Strategic Management Journal 42(6): 1139–1158.
"Cleaning house before hosting new guests: A political path dependence model of political connection adaptation in the aftermath of anticorruption shocks"
Jiang, H., Jia, N., Bai, T., & Bruton, G. D. 2021.
Strategic ManagementJournal,1–29.
"No Free Lunch After All: Corporate Political Connections and Firms’ Location Choices"
Jia, N., Zhao, B., Zheng, W., & Lu, J. 2021.
Organization Science.
“Changes in firms’ political investment opportunities, managerial accountability, and reputational risk”
Skaife, Hollis A., and Timothy Werner. 2020.
Journal of Business Ethics 163(2): 239– 263.
"Managing Policy Reversals: Consequences for Firm Performance"
Blake, Daniel J. & Srividya Jandhyala. 2019.
Strategy Science, 4:2,111-128
"Contesting Commercialization: Contesting Commercialization: Political Influence, Responsive Authoritarianism, and Cultural Resistance”
Yue, Lori Qingyuan, Kate Jue Wang, and Botao Yang. 2019.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(2): 435-465.
“How do Firms feel about Participation by their Peers in the Regulatory Design Process? An Online Survey Experiment testing the Substantive Change and Spillover Mechanisms”
Malesky, Edmund and Markus Taussig. 2019.
Strategy Science, 4(2), Special Issue on “International Strategy in an Era of Global Flux,” 129-150.
"Is your playing field unleveled? U.S. defense contracts and foreign firm lobbying"
Kim, J. 2019.
Strategic Management Journal, 40 (12): 1911-1937.
“Participation, Government Legitimacy, and Regulatory Compliance: A Firm Level Field Experiment in Vietnam”
Malesky, E., and Taussig, M. 2019.
American Political Science Review, 113(2), 530-551.
"The “Make and/or Buy” Decisions of Corporate Political Lobbying: An Integration of Economic Efficiency and Legitimacy Perspectives"
Jia N., 2018.
Academy of Management Review 43(2): 1-21
“Firm non-market capabilities and the effect of supranational institutional safeguards on the location choice of international investments. "
Albino-Pimentel, J, P Dussauge & J M Shaver.
Strategic Management Journal, 2018.
"The Conditional Nature of Political Risk: How Home Institutions Influence the Location of Foreign Direct Investment"
Beazer, Q., and Blake, D.J. 2018.
American Journal of Political Science, 62:2, 470- 485.
“How do firm political connections impact foreign acquisitions? The effects of decision makers’ political and firm embeddedness.”
Albino-Pimentel, J, R Anand, & P Dussauge.
Global Strategy Journal, 2018.
Status Climbing vs. Bridging: Multinational Stakeholder Engagement Strategies
Nartey, L. J., Henisz, W. J., & Dorobantu, S. 2018.
Strategy Science, 3(2), 367-392.
"The Dynamics of Political Embeddedness in China"
Haveman H., Jia N., Shi J, Wang Y. 2017.
Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): 67-104.
"Political Hazards and Firms’ Geographic Concentration"
Jia N., Mayer K.J. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal 38(2): 203–231.
"Political Strategy and Market Capabilities: Evidence from the Chinese Private Sector"
Jia N., 2016.
Management and Organization Review, 12(1):75-102.
“The Danger of Not Listening to Firms: Government Responsiveness and the Goal of Regulatory Compliance”
Malesky, Edmund and Markus Taussig. 2017.
Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), Special Issue on “Grand Challenges,” 1741-1770.
"Policy Risk, Strategic Decisions, and Contagion Effects: Firm-Specific Considerations"
Blake, Daniel J. & Caterina Moschieri. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal, 38:3, 732- 750.
"Non-Market Strategy Research Through the Lens of New Institutional Economics: An Integrative Review and Future Directions"
Dorobantu, S., Kaul, A., and Zelner B. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal 38: 114-140
"The Flexible Few: Oligarchs and Wealth Defense in Developing Democracies"
Charnysh, V. and Markus, S. 2017.
Comparative Political Studies, 50 (12): 1632-65.
“Investor reaction to covert corporate political activity”
Werner, T. 2017.
Strategic Management Journal 38(12): 2424–2443.
“Campaign contributions from corporate executives in lieu of political action committees”
Richter, Brian Kelleher, and Timothy Werner. 2017.
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 33(3): 443–474.
“Blacklisted businesses: Social activists’ challenges and the disruption of corporate political activity”
McDonnell, M. H., and Werner, T. 2016
Administrative Science Quarterly 61(4): 584–620.
"Frame or Get Framed: The Critical Role of Issue Framing in Nonmarket Management"
Bach, D. and Blake, D.J. 2016.
California Management Review, 58:3, 66-87.
“Gaining access by doing good: The effect of sociopolitical reputation on firm participation in public policymaking”
Werner, T. 2015.
Management Science 61(8): 1989–2011.
"The Structure of Political Institutions and Effectiveness of Corporate Political Lobbying"
Choi S., Jia N., Lu J. 2015.
Organization Science 26(1): 158-179
"Perverse Complementarity: Political Connections & the Use of Courts Among Private Firms in China"
Ang Y., Jia N. 2014.
Journal of Politics 76(2): 318-332.
"Are Collective and Private Political Actions Substitutes or Complements? Empirical Evidence from China’s Private Sector"
Jia N. 2014.
Strategic Management Journal 35(2): 292-315
“Institutions sans Frontières: International Agreements and Foreign Investment”
Jandhyala, S and Weiner, R.J. 2014.
Journal of International Business Studies, 45(6): 649-669
“Thinking Ahead: Government Time Horizons and the Legalization of International Investment Agreements”
Blake, D.J. 2013.
International Organization, 67:4, 797-827.
" Citizens’ perceptions and the disconnect between economics and regulatory policy. In Regulatory Breakdown: The Crisis of Confidence in U.S. Regulation. "
Baron, J., McEnroe, W. T., and Poliquin, C. 2021
Ed. Cary Coglianese. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 143–162.
“Secure Property as a Bottom-Up Process: Firms, Stakeholders, and Predators in Weak States”
Stanislav, M.
World Politics, April 2012, 64 (2): 242-77.
"Public Forces and Private Politics in American Big Business"
Werner, T. 2012.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
“The sound, the fury, and the nonevent: Business power and market reactions to the Citizens United decision"
Werner, T. 2011.
American Politics Research 39(1): 118–41.
"Laws of Attraction: Regulatory Arbitrage in the Face of Activism in Right-to-work States"
Rao, Hayagreeva, Lori Qingyuan Yue, and Paul Ingram (2011).
American Sociological Review, 76(3): 365- 385.
“Where is Credit Due? Legal Institutions, Connections, and the Efficiency of Bank Lending in Vietnam”
Malesky, E. and Taussig, M. 2009.
Journal for Law, Economics, and Organization, 25(2), 535-578.
"Corporate Governance as Political Insurance: Firm-level Institutional Creation in Emerging Markets and Beyond”
Markus, S. 2008.
Socio-Economic Review, 6 (1): 69-98.
“Capitalists of All Russia, Unite! Business Mobilization under Debilitated Dirigisme”
Markus, S.
Polity, 2007, 39 (3): 277–304.