Public-Private Interface
Working Papers
The Privileged Rushed In?
Taussig, M.
Published Research Papers
"A multiple agency view of venture capital investment duration: The roles of institutions, foreignness, and alliances”
Sethuram, Shyamala, Markus Taussig, and Ajai Gaur (Forthcoming).
Global Strategy Journal, Special Issue on “Institutions and Entrepreneurship.”
"Theoretical Light in Empirical Darkness: Illuminating Strategic Concealment of Corporate Political Activity"
Jia, N., Markus, S., and Werner, T. 2021.
Academy of Management Review
“Technology Licensing and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Developing Economies.”
Adbi A, Liu X, Mishra A. 2021.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming
“MNE Responses to Carbon Pricing Regulations: Theory and Evidence”
Nippa, M., Patnaik, S., and Taussig, M. 2021.
Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 904–929, Special Issue on “The Grand Challenge of Energy Transitions.”
"Sustainable Cross-Sector Collaboration: Building a Global Platform for Social Impact"
Bode, C., Rogan, M., & Singh, J. 2019.
Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol 5(4)
"Public Governance, Corporate Governance, and Firm Innovation: An Examination of State-Owned Enterprises"
Jia N., Huang K.G., Zhang C.M. 2019.
Academy of Management Journal 62(1): 220- 247
“How do Firms feel about Participation by their Peers in the Regulatory Design Process? An Online Survey Experiment testing the Substantive Change and Spillover Mechanisms”
Malesky, E., and Taussig, M. 2019.
Strategy Science, 4(2), Special Issue on “International Strategy in an Era of Global Flux,” 129-150.
“Participation, Government Legitimacy, and Regulatory Compliance: A Firm Level Field Experiment in Vietnam”
Malesky, E., and Taussig, M. 2019.
American Political Science Review, 113(2), 530-551.
“The Danger of Not Listening to Firms: Government Responsiveness and the Goal of Regulatory Compliance”
Malesky, E., and Taussig, M. 2017.
Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), Special Issue on “Grand Challenges,” 1741-1770.
“Foreignness as Both a Global Asset and a Local Liability: How Host Country Idiosyncrasies and Business Activities Matter”
Taussig, M. 2017.
Journal of International Business Studies, 48(4), 498-522.(Read)
“Tied Up and Shocked: How Relational Contracting with Suppliers Constrains Global Buyers in during a Demand Shock”
Wolfords, S., Taussig, M., Hong, B., and Carlsson, K. 2017.
Torben Pedersen, et al (eds.), Breaking up the Global Value Chain (Advances in International Management Series, Volume 30), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 157-188
"The Flexible Few: Oligarchs and Wealth Defense in Developing Democracies"
Charnysh, V. and Markus, S. 2017.
Comparative Political Studies, 50 (12): 1632-65.
“How are Institutional Capabilities Transferred across Borders? The Case of an Indonesian Property Developer in Vietnam”
Carney, M., Dieleman, M., and Taussig, M. 2016.
Journal of World Business, 51(6), 882-894.
“Sovereign Commitment and Property Rights: the Case of Ukraine's Orange Revolution”
Markus, S. 2016.
Studies in Comparative International Development, 51 (4): 411-33.
“Unbundling the Effects of Institutions on Firm Resources: The Contingent Effect of Being Local in Emerging Economy Private Equity”
Taussig, M., and Delios, A. 2015.
Strategic Management Journal, 36(12), 1845-1865.
“The Neglected Need for Strategic Renewal in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Vietnam in Transition”
Taussig, M. 2013.
Business Horizons, 56(4), 465-471.
“Secure Property as a Bottom-Up Process: Firms, Stakeholders, and Predators in Weak States”
Markus, S. 2012.
World Politics, 64 (2): 242-77.
“Out of the Gray: The Impact of Provincial Institutions on Business Formalization in Vietnam”
Malesky, E., and Taussig, M. 2009.
Journal of East Asian Studies, 9(2), 249-290.
“Corporate Governance as Political Insurance: Firm-level Institutional Creation in Emerging Markets and Beyond"
Markus, S. 2008.
Socio-Economic Review, 6 (1): 69-98.
"Where is Credit Due? Legal Institutions, Connections, and the Efficiency of Bank Lending in Vietnam”
Malesky, E., and Taussig, M. 2009.
Journal for Law, Economics, and Organization, 25(2), 535-578.
“Capitalists of All Russia, Unite! Business Mobilization under Debilitated Dirigisme”
Markus, S. 2007.
Polity, 39 (3): 277–304.
"Hereafter: How Crises Shape Communities through Learning and Institutional Legacies"
StGreve, Henrich R. and Lori Qingyuan Yue. 2017.
Organization Science, 28(6): 965-1167.
"Contesting Commercialization: Contesting Commercialization: Political Influence, Responsive Authoritarianism, and Cultural Resistance”
Yue, Lori Qingyuan, Kate Jue Wang, and Botao Yang. 2019.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(2): 435-465.
“Jurisdiction shopping and foreign location choice: The role of market and nonmarket experience in the European solar energy industry.”
Georgallis, P, J Albino-Pimentel & N Kondratenko.
Journal of International Business Studies, 2021.
"The Great and the Small: The Impact of Collective Action on the Evolution of Interlock Networks after the Panic of 1907"
Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2016).
American Sociological Review, 81(2): 374- 395.
"Community Constraints on the Efficacy of Elite Mobilization: The Issues of Currency Substitutes during the Panic of 1907"
Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2015).
American Journal of Sociology, 120(6): 1690- 1735.
"Information Spillovers from Protests against Corporations: A Tale of Walmart and Target."
Yue, Lori Qingyuan, Hayagreeva Rao, and Paul Ingram (2013).
Administrative Science Quarterly, 58(4): 669-701.
"Trouble in Store: The Emergence and Success of Protests against Wal-Mart Store Openings in America"
Ingram, Paul, Lori Qingyuan Yue, and Hayagreeva Rao (2010).
American Journal of Sociology, 116(1): 53-92.