Alternate Organizational Forms
Working Papers
“Desert Places: Cooperative As Infrastructure Providers in Marginalized Areas”
Jeong, H., Kaul, A., and Luo, J.
Published Research Papers
“How do MNEs and Domestic Firms Respond Locally to a Global Demand Shock? Evidence from a Pandemic.”
Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., and Mishra, A.
Management Science, Forthcoming.
"Categorical Competition in the Wake of Crisis: Banks Vs. Credit Unions"
Chatterji, R., Luo, J., Seamans, R. 2021.
Organization Science, 32(3): 527-908, C2.
“Categorical Cognition and Outcome Efficiency in Impact Investing Decisions.”
Lee M, Adbi A, Singh J. 2020.
Strategic Management Journal, 41(1): 86-107.
“Stakeholder Orientation and Market Impact: Evidence from India.”
Adbi, A., Bhaskarabhatla, A., Chatterjee, C. 2020.
Journal of Business Ethics, 161(2): 479-496.
"Private Action in Public Interest: The Comparative Governance of Social Issues"
Luo, J., and Kaul, A. 2019.
Strategic Management Journal, 40(4): 476-502
“When the Big One Came: A Natural Experiment on Demand Shock and Market Structure in India’s Influenza Vaccine Markets.”
Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., Drev, M., Mishra, A. 2019.
Production and Operations Management, 28(4): 810-832.
"An Economic Case for CSR: The Comparative Efficiency of For-Profit Firms in Meeting Consumer Demand for Social Goods"
Kaul, A., and Luo, J. 2018.
Strategic Management Journal, 39: 1650-1677
"Hereafter: How Crises Shape Communities through Learning and Institutional Legacies"
StGreve, Henrich R. and Lori Qingyuan Yue. 2017.
Organization Science, 28(6): 965-1167.
“Sovereign Commitment and Property Rights: the Case of Ukraine's Orange Revolution”
Markus, S. 2016.
Studies in Comparative International Development, 51 (4): 411-33.
"The Great and the Small: The Impact of Collective Action on the Evolution of Interlock Networks after the Panic of 1907"
Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2016).
American Sociological Review, 81(2): 374- 395.
"Community Constraints on the Efficacy of Elite Mobilization: The Issues of Currency Substitutes during the Panic of 1907"
Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2015).
American Journal of Sociology, 120(6): 1690- 1735.
"The Failure of Private Regulation: Elite Control and Market Crisis in the Manhattan Banking Industry"
Yue, L. Q., Luo, J., Ingram, P. 2013.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 58(1): 37-68.
“Corporate Governance as Political Insurance: Firm-level Institutional Creation in Emerging Markets and Beyond"
Markus, S. 2008.
Socio-Economic Review, 6 (1): 69-98.
"Asymmetric Effects of Fashions on the Formation and Dissolution of Networks: Board Interlocks with Internet Companies, 1996-2006"
Yue, Lori Qingyuan (2012).
Organization Science, 23: 1114-1134.