Dr. Christiane Bode
Imperial College Business School
Assistant Professor
E-mail: c.bode@imperial.ac.uk
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers
Bode, C., Rogan, M., & Singh, J. 2021. “Up to No Good? Gender, Social Impact Work and Employee Promotions” Administrative Science Quarterly (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Bode, C., Singh, J., & Rogan, M. 2015. “Corporate Social Initiatives and Employee Retention” (Organization Science, Vol. 26 (6), 1702- 1720) (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Bode, C., & Singh, J. 2018. “Taking a Hit to Save the World: Employee Participation in a Corporate Social Initiative” Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 39 (4), 1003- 1030 (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR
Bode, C., Rogan, M., & Singh, J. 2019. “Sustainable Cross-Sector Collaboration: Building a Global Platform for Social Impact” Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol 5(4) (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Public-Private Interface