Dr. Timothy Werner
McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
Associate Professor
E-mail: timothy.werner@mccombs.utexas.edu
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers:
Jia, Nan, Stanislav Markus, and Timothy Werner. N.d. “Theoretical light in empirical darkness: Illuminating strategic concealment of corporate political activity.” Forthcoming at Academy of Management Review. (Read)
Topics: Corporate Political Activity
Shanor, Amanda, Mary-Hunter McDonnell, and Timothy Werner. 2021. “Corporate political power: The politics of reputation and traceability.” Forthcoming at Emory Law Journal.
Minefee, Ishva, MaryHunter McDonnell, and Timothy Werner. 2021. “Reexamining investor reaction to covert corporate political activity: A replication and extension of Werner (2017).” Strategic Management Journal 42(6): 1139–1158. (Read)
Skaife, Hollis A., and Timothy Werner. 2020. “Changes in firms’ political investment opportunities, managerial accountability, and reputational risk.” Journal of Business Ethics 163(2): 239– 263. (Read)
Topics: Corporate Political Activity
Werner, Timothy. 2017. “Investor reaction to covert corporate political activity.” Strategic Management Journal 38(12): 2424–2443. (Read)
Richter, Brian Kelleher, and Timothy Werner. 2017. “Campaign contributions from corporate executives in lieu of political action committees.” Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 33(3): 443–474. (Read)
Topics: Corporate Political Activity
McDonnell, MaryHunter, and Timothy Werner. 2016. “Blacklisted businesses: Social activists’ challenges and the disruption of corporate political activity.” Administrative Science Quarterly 61(4): 584–620. (Read)
Werner, Timothy. 2015. “Gaining access by doing good: The effect of sociopolitical reputation on firm participation in public policymaking.” Management Science 61(8): 1989–2011. (Read)
Topics: Corporate Political Activity ; Strategic CSR
Werner, Timothy, and John J. Coleman. 2015. “Citizens United, independent expenditures, and agency costs: Reexamining the political economy of state antitakeover statutes.” Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 31(1): 127–159. (Read)
Werner, Timothy. 2011. “The sound, the fury, and the nonevent: Business power and market reactions to the Citizens United decision.” American Politics Research 39(1): 118–41. (Read)
Topics: Corporate Political Activity
Werner, Timothy. 2012 (paperback 2018). Public Forces and Private Politics in American Big Business. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (Read)