Dr. Jiao Luo
Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Associate Professor
email: luoj@umn.edu
Research Interests: Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Impact, Collective Governance
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers
Chatterji, R., Luo, J., Seamans, R. 2021. ‘Categorical Competition in the Wake of Crisis: Banks Vs. Credit Unions’, Organization Science, 32(3): 527-908, C2. (Read)
Topics: Alternate Organizational Forms
Luo, J., Chen, J., Chen, D. 2021. ‘Coming Back and Giving Back: Transposition, Institutional Actors, and the Paradox of Peripheral Influence’, Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(1): 133-176. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Activism & Social Movements
Seo, H., Luo, J., Kaul, A. 2021. ‘Giving a Little to Many or a Lot to a Few? The Returns to Variety in Corporate Philanthropy’, Strategic Management Journal, 42(9): 1734-1764. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Social Impact
Luo, J., and Kaul, A. 2019. ‘Private Action in Public Interest: The Comparative Governance of Social Issues’, Strategic Management Journal, 40(4): 476-502 (Read)
Kaul, A., and Luo, J. 2018. ‘An Economic Case for CSR: The Comparative Efficiency of For-Profit Firms in Meeting Consumer Demand for Social Goods’, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 1650-1677 (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Social Impact ; Alternate Organizational Forms
Luo, J., Kaul, A., and Seo. H. 2018. ‘Winning us with Trifles: Adverse Selection in the use of Philanthropy as Insurance’, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 2591-2617 (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Social Impact
Flammer, C., Luo, J. 2017. ‘Corporate Social Responsibility as an Employee Governance Tool: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment.’ Strategic Management Journal, 38(2): 163-183. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Stakeholder Governance
Yue, L. Q., Luo, J., Ingram, P. 2013. ‘The Failure of Private Regulation: Elite Control and Market Crisis in the Manhattan Banking Industry’. Administrative Science Quarterly, 58(1): 37-68. (Read)
Topics: Alternate Organizational Forms
Dorobantu, S., Aguilera, R., Luo, J, and Milliken, F. 2018. ‘Introduction: Contemplating the Connections between Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility.’ In S. Dorobantu, R. Aguilera, J. Luo, and F. Milliken (eds.), Advances in Strategic Management (vol. 38 on Sustainability, Corporate Governance and CSR, pp. 1-14). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. (Read)
Working Papers
Kaul, A. and Luo, J. “From Social Responsibility to Social Impact: A Framework and Research Agenda” (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Social Impact
Lee, N and Luo, J. “Are native plants green? Assessing environmental performances of locally-owned facilities” (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR ; Social Impact ; Activism & Social Movements
Jeong, H., Kaul, A., and Luo, J. “Desert Places: Cooperative As Infrastructure Providers in Marginalized Areas” (Read)
Institution: Columbia Business School
Major: Management