Dr. Jasjit Singh
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers
Bode, Christiane, Michelle Rogan, and Jasjit Singh. "Up to no good? Gender, social impact work, and employee promotions." Administrative Science Quarterly 67.1 (2022): 82-130. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR; Stakeholder Governance; Social Impact; Alternate Organizational Forms; Integrated Strategy
Singh, Jasjit, Pushan Dutt, and Arzi Adbi. "Microfinance and entrepreneurship at the base of the pyramid." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 16.1 (2022): 3-31.(Read)
Adbi, Arzi, et al. "Women’s disempowerment and preferences for skin lightening products that reinforce colorism: Experimental evidence from India." Psychology of Women Quarterly 45.2 (2021): 178-193. (Read)
Lee, Matthew, Arzi Adbi, and Jasjit Singh. "Categorical cognition and outcome efficiency in impact investing decisions." Strategic Management Journal 41.1 (2020): 86-107. (Read)
Bode, Christiane, Michelle Rogan, and Jasjit Singh. "Sustainable cross-sector collaboration: Building a global platform for social impact." Academy of Management Discoveries 5.4 (2019): 396-414. (Read)
Singh, Jasjit, Nina Teng, and Serguei Netessine. "Philanthropic campaigns and customer behavior: Field experiments on an online taxi booking platform." Management Science 65.2 (2019): 913-932. (Read)
Topics: Strategic CSR; Social Impact; Integrated Strategy
Bode, Christiane, and Jasjit Singh. "Taking a hit to save the world? E mployee participation in a corporate social initiative." Strategic Management Journal 39.4 (2018): 1003-1030. (Read)
Bode, Christiane, Jasjit Singh, and Michelle Rogan. "Corporate social initiatives and employee retention." Organization science 26.6 (2015): 1702-1720. (Read)
Singh, Jasjit, Morten T. Hansen, and Joel M. Podolny. "The world is not small for everyone: Inequity in searching for knowledge in organizations." Management Science 56.9 (2010): 1415-1438. (Read)