Dr. Markus Taussig
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers
Sethuram, Shyamala, Markus Taussig, and Ajai Gaur (Forthcoming). “A multiple agency view of venture capital investment duration: The roles of institutions, foreignness, and alliances,” Global Strategy Journal, Special Issue on “Institutions and Entrepreneurship.” (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Nippa, Michael, Sanjay Patnaik, and Markus Taussig (2021). “MNE Responses to Carbon Pricing Regulations: Theory and Evidence,” Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 904–929, Special Issue on “The Grand Challenge of Energy Transitions.” (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Social Impact ; Integrated Strategy
Malesky, Edmund and Markus Taussig (2019). “How do Firms feel about Participation by their Peers in the Regulatory Design Process? An Online Survey Experiment testing the Substantive Change and Spillover Mechanisms,” Strategy Science, 4(2), Special Issue on “International Strategy in an Era of Global Flux,” 129-150. (Read)
Malesky, Edmund and Markus Taussig (2019). “Participation, Government Legitimacy, and Regulatory Compliance: A Firm Level Field Experiment in Vietnam,” American Political Science Review, 113(2), 530-551. (Read)
Malesky, Edmund and Markus Taussig (2017). “The Danger of Not Listening to Firms: Government Responsiveness and the Goal of Regulatory Compliance,” Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), Special Issue on “Grand Challenges,” 1741-1770.(Read)
Taussig, Markus (2017). “Foreignness as Both a Global Asset and a Local Liability: How Host Country Idiosyncrasies and Business Activities Matter,” Journal of International Business Studies, 48(4), 498-522.(Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Wolfords, Sarah, Markus Taussig, Bryan Hong, and Kjell Carlsson (2017). “Tied Up and Shocked: How Relational Contracting with Suppliers Constrains Global Buyers in during a Demand Shock,” in Torben Pedersen, et al (eds.), Breaking up the Global Value Chain (Advances in International Management Series, Volume 30), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 157-188. (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Carney, Michael, Marleen Dieleman, and Markus Taussig (2016). “How are Institutional Capabilities Transferred across Borders? The Case of an Indonesian Property Developer in Vietnam,” Journal of World Business, 51(6), 882-894. (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Taussig, Markus and Andrew Delios (2015). “Unbundling the Effects of Institutions on Firm Resources: The Contingent Effect of Being Local in Emerging Economy Private Equity,” Strategic Management Journal, 36(12), 1845-1865. (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Taussig, Markus (2013). “The Neglected Need for Strategic Renewal in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Vietnam in Transition,” Business Horizons, 56(4), 465-471. (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Malesky, Edmund and Markus Taussig (2009). “Where is Credit Due? Legal Institutions, Connections, and the Efficiency of Bank Lending in Vietnam,” Journal for Law, Economics, and Organization, 25(2), 535-578. (Read)
Malesky, Edmund and Markus Taussig (2009). “Out of the Gray: The Impact of Provincial Institutions on Business Formalization in Vietnam,” Journal of East Asian Studies, 9(2), 249-290. (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Taussig, M. “The Privileged Rushed In?” (Read)